Selection for 2nd May 2015 is as below: 1sts Meeting at Milton no later than 12:30 2nds Meeting at Granta Park, no later than 12:45 3rds Meeting at Milton for 12:15 1sts 2nds 3rds Steve McHugh Bob Newton Phil Coulson Graeme Newton Peter Stoehr Ian Coston Adam Smith Jason Sep Phil Bone Nathan Sivajoti Mahanth […]
Posts By: Milton Cricket Club
2014 Awards Evening
Following a moderately successful season, it was time for the presentation evening to be held at the Lion and Lamb . A good turn out of 22 people +a few non eaters witnessed the following awards dished out. High Score: Simon Coston Fastest 50 : Andy Peck Most Wickets : Puneet Singh Best Figures : […]
Upcoming events – January + Feburary
As we approach the start of the next season, we have a number of events coming up. First is the Presentation meal – this will be held at the Lion and Lamb on Sat 24th. All trophies need to be returned by the end of this week (no later than 10th please) Secondly, the winter […]
Overs’ hopes down the Drain as Scotter ducks out
AKA Under’s Menom Form as Peck run out! There have been many famous sporting rivalries throughout history, Ali vs Frazier, Senna vs Prost, El Classico, Borg v McEnroe to name a few. None however were as hotly anticipated as the match on Sunday 3rd August, where Drummond’s under 25 team met Andy Peck’s old timers. No […]
Upcoming Events – August 2014
Hi all. Please find below the current list of events coming up for Milton CC. Last weekend of september – 26th to 28th – Club Annual Tour to Brighton 3rd or 4th October- Venue tbd – Club End of Season do Febuary 2015 – Winter nets start (days and times tbc ) March 2015 […]
Win Big with the Milton CC Invitational Cup Raffle
Milton CC are hosting a Raffle as part of the Invitational Cup day and we have some fantastic prizes up for grabs! Cricket Bat donated by Raw Cricket Year membership donated by Milton Golf Club Star Radio weatherman/women for the day Voucher for 2 People to any Northants County Championship Match £25 Mr Cricket voucher […]
1st Annual Milton Invitational Cup day
Hi all The 29th June 2014 will see the first ever (hopefully) annual Milton Invitational T20 Cup. Teams from Willingham Waterbeach and Haddenham will be contesting the cup along with a Milton team. Play starts around 10.30 with 2 T20 matches . The losers will then play in a 10 over 3rd place play-off and […]
Catches win matches – 3rds Lower Junior Cup
Well, the old adage of Catches win Matches never seemed more apt. Today saw the lower junior cup match between a third team boasting such tremble inducing players as “Stretch” and “Stye” take on an Islesham team fresh from a win against the Milton Firsts the day before. Containing only 3 players from their victory […]
3rds Obliterate Histon, 1sts and 2nds Suffer top order collapses
Today was a day of mixed results for Milton CC The Firsts were at home against a strong Islesham 1st XI. Alertness on the field seemed to be the downfall as Milton conceded far too many quick singles whilst defending 117 and were chased down by batting from Griffin and Smith. The seconds had fielding […]
2014 Outdoor Training
Training is now on from 6.30 pm (to approx 8pm) on a Tuesday and Thursday night at the Sycamores recreation ground We hope to see as many of you as possible!